Monday, September 25, 2017

A Lucid Delirium

The snap of her spine drains the life from her cold ocean eyes.
She can no longer beg or breathe.
Instead, she lies there staring aimlessly
after her heart gave one last beat.
The music is silent now.
The words and proverbs she held so dear no longer matter
because she no longer matters.
I stand above her motionless body and watched as death whisked her away.
And now
I stand before you
Nothing but dirt and gleaming eyes in a night sky to hear the screaming. 

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Bane Masquerade

A beautiful abomination
Trapped in a dependent
loathing shell of their former self
Once with smiles and childlike wonder
Now wears a happy clown mask to cover the ugliness.

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Bleak Transience

She finds herself in an unknowing void that seems impossible to climb her way out of.
Her being had abandoned her as she lies motionless in the dirt.
Dirt was her coordinate.
The counterpart she could never rise above.
She became helpless
She wasn't even worthy compared to what once lay beneath her feet.
She was repulsed by her own self.
She's nothing 
Non existent
An incorporeal being that needed to be tamed before the time bomb within her detonates.
Who is she?
The girl with the motionless and expressionless imbalance.
Who knows?
Who cares?
She's dead...