Saturday, August 26, 2017

Narcotic Kisses

My minds distorted
but you're going to take me to the bottom until I'm finally euphoric.
When I'm swallowed in depression
you embrace with temptation
and when I've finally had enough
I crush you up and huff you up.
I pop a few
Then you whisper little nothings like
"I'll rescue you."

In the end...
It's just me
and you
and your

Narcotic Kisses.

Monday, August 21, 2017

Mental Instability

Enjoy your innocence
for it never ever lasts.
The world will suck you into a void of 
awareness, commercialism, and greed.
"What is normal?"  She slowly speaks
into the cold winter air.
Poor little 9-year-old girl
clutching her black one-eyed teddy bear.
Tears stained her face
already frozen.
So frozen
she was just about ready to shatter.
She may live the life of a princess
but in her delusional mind
stuffed animals and fairy tales attack her while she sleeps.
"Is this just a daydream?" Her innocent mind wonders
as she lies warm in her bed but still cold for it's her against her own world.
Everyone thought she was a bad little girl
and punished for her supposed wrongdoings.
So she became a bad little girl
and did what the evil stuffed animals told her to that choked her in the night.
She listened to the voices of the fairy tales that taunted her in her nightmares.
Now that her innocence has fled
the restraints on her wrists are tightened.
She suffers alone
alone she remains.
No more stuffed animals and no more fairy tales.
They were all just shadows
and they were all just voices...


Thursday, August 10, 2017

Bloody Mary (A poem about addiction)

Always outnumbered by her inner demons
Plagued by the darkness that envelopes her entire being

Always numb
Always dead
So high, angry, then low with dread
While the ghost within her sleeps
Her wrath is silenced within a mirror with no energy to utilize it

Our minds keep racing
Like the insanity of a storm
Dependence dripping from our fingertips
Lying there begging for the strength to hold back the tears
Then hunting for the kill

Where do you go and what do you do when nothing is left but their ashes?

Thursday, August 3, 2017


Euphoria is...

Like a junkie to the drug
Like a thug to his gun
Like a cutter to the blade
Like the emptiness an anorexic craves
The condition turns into a disaster then we push to be free.

Like the beast in alcoholics
Like a power-hungry occultist
Like the mentality of a murderer
Like the demons the insane suffer
They pray for deliverance, some sacrifice their freedom just to lose themselves in the process.

Like a Christian to the Bible
Like a Muslim to the Koran
Like a Psychologist to the human mind
Or the doctor or nurse with the consuming desire to save a life.

Now they have no one
All they have is themselves and momentary peace.

And then there is misery...